Sunday, March 29, 2015

And the Adventure Continues

Hi Everyone! Well, my email last week was kind of dramatic and things at home are still happening. I am still getting information and learning about what is going on and am in almost constant communication with my Heavenly Father, as much as I have ever been in BUT  the missionary work in Freiburg Germany continues. 

This week was really a week of adventures. We had the opportunity this week to go with a member to visit a friend of hers. She said she was really interested in religion and would be interested in what we had to say. Sounded perfect to us, so we went with her. It was a bit of a drive to get to her friend's house. It was gorgeous. We got there and she wanted to go for a walk. Well, we expected a walk around the block...but it was actually a walk around a beautiful monastery. We felt really spoiled. We got to talk about what we do as missionaries and why we are here. It was so cool. I don't know  how far it will go, but it was a cool experience and I will attach some pictures in this email from our walk. We couldn't help but get a bit touristy. Afterwards, we went back to her house and had cake and tea (fruit tea, the kind a Mormon can drink) and it was such a good time. If only missionary work was always that pleasant :)

On Thursday we had Ward Council and we switch off with the Elders going every other month. It was our turn to go and they were talking about an Elders Quorum activity where they were mostly just eating food and hanging out, but they wanted a set of missionaries to go because there would be a lot of less active members there and such. Ideally, the Elders would have gone, but they needed to catch a train to go home (they live kind of far away) so for some reason, Sister Earnshaw and I were sent to the Elders Quorum activity. Needless to say, I felt pretty out of place. It was a good time I guess. The Elders are still making fun of us for having gone, but the Bishop told us to be there, so we couldn't really say no. Now I can say I have crashed an Elders quorum activity. 

On Sunday we went to a member's house for a member appointment and for dessert we baked cookies with them. It was really good and we shared a killer spiritual thought about hope. THEN they took us to the woods with them to go herb picking. How did we end up herb picking on a Sunday evening? Well, we got a bunch of herbs to take home. It was fun. 

Lots of really weird things this week actually. We went to visit a member in the hospital this week with the Elders because he was supposed to have an ear operation two days before. We got to the hospital and asked at the front desk what room he was in and they told us he was still in surgery...what? He should not have had any surgery that day and the nurse to us to wait because the surgery he  was having that day was not planned and he did not even have time to tell his wife and kids that it would be happening, so there was no one there to say hello to him when he got out. So we waited for a little bit and he just came walking down the hallway and when he saw us, the biggest grin spread across his face. We help him chop wood on Saturdays so we are all pretty tight. He kept telling us how happy he was that we were there and so obviously Heavenly Father orchestrated that one. 

Anyways, that is my week in a nutshell. I hope you are all doing well and remember that Heavenly Father loves you all so much! Make good choices.

Sister Smiley

Pictures: 2 with the monestary, and a really pretty bakery that we ate at last monday

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