Anyways, let me tell you a bit about our week. We have a new investigator!!!! That is always such a happy thing. We got to go over to her apartment on Thursday and get to know her a little bit more and see where she is at with things. We talked to her about some of our basic beliefs and that there is more we would like to teach her and explain to her. It was a really good appointment and we have another one scheduled for tonight that a member from the ward is coming with us to..I think that was really bad grammar. My bad. I don't really know what is right and what is wrong in any language anymore. I just say stuff and hope people know what I mean :) Anyways, we are really excited to have someone new that we get to be teaching. We kind of had to be tactful because she was nervous about meeting with us in the first place. I would be nervous about meeting with us too, but we talked to her on the phone one day and asked if we could just come over once for 45 minutes to share our message with her. Just listen to what we have to say for 45 minutes and if she doesn't like it or feel comfortable with it, then we wouldn't make another appointment and be out of her hair. WELL here is the miracle, SHE LOVED IT and that is why we have a return appointment. I'm excited to see what our appointment is like tonight. Thank goodness we have a member coming with us. They always seem to say the right thing when it needs to be said.
On Friday we went to Munich for training with President Kohler and district meeting and interviews. Trips to Munich are always fun. We got there and President Kohler did an hour of training where we talked about mission goals for 2015 and what we can do to be more effective missionaries in order to accomplish those goals. It was great. President Kohler is the He helped write Preach My Gospel and trained teachers at the MTC for a long time, so he really knows his stuff. It is always just so interesting to hear what he has to say. I'm thinking I should bring a recorder with me next time or something because the notes I take never seem to do his teaching justice :)...just kidding, I won't bring a recorder, I'm not one of "those missionaries", but seriously, someone should broadcast his zone conferences or something. It is way cool. Interviews went well. I don't have any real concerns or anything, so we just kind of talked which was nice. I can't imagine what it must be like to be a mission president over 250 missionaries in four different countries and try to build relationships with all of them. Somehow, he does it. I am impressed.
On Saturday we helped a less active woman in our ward move. We carried some things, and moved some things around. It was all good in the hood and then she wanted to go back to the old apartment to pack up some more things. We may or may not have ended up in the back of a sketchy van with no seat belts or chairs. It was pretty sketchy. The way we ended up there is a long story, but every time I think about it I laugh. What kind of idiot actually gets into a van when someone says "get in the van"...the Augsburg missionaries. We broke a couple of white handbook rules with that one, but we survived and have since repented. Our district leader calls every now and then just to say hello and see how we are doing, and when he called that night I got to tell him the story. He laughed. It was all good.
Anywho, that is basically what happened this week. It was a pretty solid week. Something you get a lot of on this mission is train adventures. We take trains EVERYWHERE. It's really great for contacting and talking to people and you always get good stories from the trains. I almost have all of the train, tram, and bus schedules memorized for the city of Augsburg now. It is a fun skill to be able to hop on and off of a tram and know where it is going to take you and how long it will take to get there. I'm trying to teach Sister Baker how it all works so that she can figure it out herself without hours of mapping every day. Mapping is good, but if you can skip it because you have everything memorized, life is so much better.
But yeah, that is all I have to say this week. I hope you all have great week and make good choices!
Sister Smiley
Pictures: Us in our situation with the van, Sister Baker and I waiting for an appointment at the church
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