But anyways, last week during p-day, we just did some shopping and afterwards we explored Augsburg a bit. We went into the Rathaus (court house) and found a super pretty golden room. Sister Mehr and I were freaking out a bit becuase is was so pretty. There are loads of buildings in Augsburg that are older than America. You just have to wander into them and you will see some amazing things.
So the drama in the mission right now is Sie sprache vs. du sprache. In German there are two forms of you: the formal and the informal. For the longest time they made missionaries use the formal you on everyone. About a year ago they changed it so we could use du sprache when it was appropriate (other missionaries, those younger than us, and people we work with a lot who we have a good relationship with). Well, just this month they changed the rule again to using Sie sprache on any missionary who isn't the same gender as you (so all of the Elders) and anyone who is over the age of 18. Among missionaries, it really doesn't matter what form of you is being used because we are all just learning German here, but when you are working with someone who is about 23 or around that age, they think it is so weird for a 19 year old to be using formal you with them. Also, it is kind of insulting to switch back to formal when we have been using informal with someone, so it's been kind of interesting. We have to be obedient and use the formal you. Especially because word on the street is this rule came from President Uchtdorf, but we have gotten into some heated conversations about it for sure. It's an interesting situation that we are working with. So yeah, that's the drama in the mission right now.
Yesterday at church I walked through the doors and there were two familes from my ward in Ludwigsburg visiting. We all made eye contact at the same time and it was so fun! Seeing all of them was a nice tender mercy for me. They were the people who invited us over for eating appointments on a regular basis, so it was like seeing family again. That's the cool thing about a mission...or one of the many cool things, you just build bridges everywhere you go. The Ludwigsburg people have such a special place in my heart, just like the Vienna people, and now the Augsburg people. It is just so amazing the people you get to cross paths with. It is a real honor to be able to be here and be doing this. I hope I and other missionaries never take this experience for granted.
But yeah, I hope you all have a good week and make good choices!
Love, Sister Smiley
Pictures: The golden room in Rathaus last week, extreme personal touching a member (they told us to leave it under the stairs), and we treated ourselves to dinner last week because we wanted to and we could.
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